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 01-20-2002, 21:21 Post: 34806

Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Idaho
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 Buying that Perfect Small Farm

Dreamer, you ask much, but if you are willing to work hard and pay attention to details, you will receive. Only you can decide the "where" question of your farm, as anywhere can be the right place if it meets your goals and objectives. First off, don't limit yourself to listed properties. Seek ground that meets your objectives, period. If the propertyt is listed with a real estate broker, then you must compete with everyone else in the market. If not, then do your homework on the property in question and write the landowner(s) a decent letter stating your objectives. State in the letter that if they are willing to consider selling, you are willing to do all of the ground work necessary to close a deal satisfactory to both parties. Since you are initiating the matter, you must be willing to do the necessary legal work and basically make it as easy as possible for them. If a dialogue opens with the landowner, do the following: Offer to pay for the legal survey; state that you will arrange your own financing and that you will pay for all costs like title search fees, etc.; indicate that you will write a buy/sell (purchase) agreemen with the landowner and that they (the landowner) may select a lawyer of their own choosing to review the agreement, and then offer to pay for their lawyer's services. And don't forget to mention that since no realtor is involved, the landowner has no commission to pay the real estate broker. This offers the landowner the easiest way to sell their land, and offers you the opportunity to buy what you want. No matter how you buy the farm here are things to consider for the perfect farm: Are the soils good? (go to your local USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service office and get the soil information, it's free and will tell you everything from home site development potential to crop yield data); Check the neighbors for local well depths and water purity; Where is the nearest 3-phase power if needed (for irrigation pumps if in such climates); Close to a town of your liking? Limited traffic on the roads surrounding the property? Ask about adjacent landowner intentions (any new pig farms or dairies planned?) Is the area in a zoned "impact area" (protected from certain developments like subdivisions, etc.); Can the original property be "split" to the acreage desired for your farm? (a local planning & zoning question)? In a flood zone? Can you build there? Enough soil depth and type for a septic drain field? Ask these questions and more, and you will find your perfect farm. Sound like a lot of work? It is, but consider this: If you do the work, it gets done your way, which is the right way. Leave it to somebody else, and you are bound by their objectives and their homework. Do your homework now, and have the place for the rest of your life with no regrets. Else just settle for less, and live accordingly. One thing about a farm done right, you will have a lifetime of what my wife and I call "Farm Stories"--- the stories we can't wait to tell each other about every day: "Saw mama wood duck with 12 babies at Duck Beach today"; "Saw 50 quail down at the Corn Corner this morning"; "Saw a doe with 2 fawns at Goose Point", etc. Good luck in your search for Farm Stories.

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